Ready for School Packages
The Kitikmeot Inuit Association (KIA) has launched a program for Kitikmeot Inuit children to support school readiness. Eligible children attending school in the Kitikmeot Region will receive their packages at school. Eligible children residing outside the Kitikmeot Region will receive packages by application.
Brought to you by the KIA, Ready for School Packages receive funding by the Government of Canada through the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Program.
Registered Kitikmeot families living outside the Kitikmeot Region with Inuit children born January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, are eligible for this program.
Ready for School Packages will include items such as northern themed books, culturally based puzzles and games that are age appropriate for young and are enjoyable for children of all ages.
For more information or to request an application form for eligible children living outside the Kitikmeot region, contact Sandra Carter, Early Learning and Child Care Project Coordinator, at
Involve children of all ages in learning together!